Industry Development Education Applications Students
The IDEAS beamline was built in 2010 with the main goal of providing a rapid access beamline for education programs, industry, in-house science and supporting development and testing beamline equipment and software.
The IDEAS beamline is not open to external users.
List of Publications »
- Mikhchian, Mehrnaz; Grosvenor, Andrew P. (2025). A comparative study of the long-term aqueous durability of brannerite (Ce0.94Ti2O6–δ) and glass-brannerite (Fe-Al-BG-Ce0.94Ti2O6–δ) composite materials. Applied Surface Science 687, 162233. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.162233.
- Pushie, M Jake; Sylvain, Nicole J; Hou, Huishu; Pendleton, Nicole; Wang, Richard et al. (2024). X-ray fluorescence mapping of brain tissue reveals the profound extent of trace element dysregulation in stroke pathophysiology. Metallomics . 10.1093/mtomcs/mfae054.
- Van Ryswyk, Keith; Kulka, Ryan; Jeong, Cheol-Heon; Anastasopolos, Angelos T.; Shin, Tim et al. (2024). Sources of subway PM2.5: Investigation of a system with limited mechanical ventilation. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment 133, 104164. 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104164.
Latest News »
- Beamline Update: 2D Mapping
- Beamline Update: 8keV Multilayer beam delivered to IBM endstation!
- Beamline Update: First light after upgrade!